Follow these pre-Holi skincare tips before playing with colors

Don't forget to apply your sunscreen

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Constant exposure to the sun, chemical-rich colors, and dirty water can mess up your skin's quality, leaving it itchy, dry, and tanned. That is when sunscreen can come to your rescue!

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Grease your body well with lots of natural oil

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From helping you regain your natural texture to keeping you away from allergies, they work around many aspects when it comes to skin health.

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Nourish and keep your lips safe with balms

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Lips are among the most sensitive areas of your face that are highly susceptible to damage. They are even the starting point of many diseases as they are close to the mouth.

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Use petroleum jelly to safeguard your ears

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Ears are highly sensitive areas that are way too exposed to external toxins, which is why it is important to keep them safe when you celebrate Holi.

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Cover your cuts and wounds

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Before you go all colorful this Holi, make sure you have neatly covered your wounds, cuts, and bruises if any, with bandaids/bandages as they can develop more infections when in contact with chemicals.