Experts reveal why young people are dying of heart attacks

Experts reveal the causes behind heart attacks in young people

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"Many young people may feel pressured by their peers or by their own ambitions to use these drugs to improve their competitive performance, lose weight, or improve their own body image

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Wondering who are at risk? Experts share it all

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Anyone who has a family history of heart conditions or performs exercises with excessive heavy weights is at risk.

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Unsupervised exercise regimens is a major reason

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"Careless practicing can overburden the heart. Doing an excessive number of reps, running without a break, and practicing for long can cause coronary episodes.

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Experts share some other prominent causes

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"Different variables like undesirable and less than stellar eating routine, inconspicuous basic condition (could be in the wake of experiencing Coronavirus, awful way of life

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The fitness expert shares some precautions

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"While working out, begin gradually and don't immediately jump on serious activities," share experts.

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Experts reveal some more precautionary tips to take note of

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If you sweat a lot during a fitness session, keep yourself hydrated.