Exercising in the morning burns more fat

Exercise in the morning may burn more fat than at other times in the day, new research suggests

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Biological processes work differently depending on the time of day, due to each cell’s circadian rhythm – the natural cycle of changes in our bodies over each 24-hour period

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A new study by researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute and the University of Copenhagen has found that mice have a higher fat metabolism when exercising at an early active phase

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This suggests that humans may also see more fat loss when working out late in the morning, as opposed to late in the evening, according to the scientists.

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“Our results suggest that late morning exercise could be more effective than late evening exercise in terms of boosting the metabolism and the burning of fat

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The scientists set mice on a high-intensity workout at two points in the day, and studied the impact upon their adipose tissue, otherwise known as body fat

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They looked at which genes were active in adipose tissue, and discovered those involved with boosting the metabolism were more abundant in the morning slot

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The researchers found that the earlier bout of exercise increased the expression of genes involved in breaking down fat by producing heat

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”The right timing seems to be important to the body’s energy balance and to improving the health benefits of exercise, but more studies are needed to draw any reliable conclusions

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Previous studies have suggested that an early-morning workout on an empty stomach can help to speed up weight loss and boost energy levels

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