Exercises that can help you with your back pain

Glute bridge

This muscle engages when a person extends their hips, such as when they stand up out of a squat. It also helps with both external rotation, which is when the knee and hip open away from the body and abduction, which is when the leg lifts away from the body.


The bird-dog works the gluteal muscles. It also exercises the back extensor muscles, which attach to the back of the spine and allow a person to stand, bend, and lift objects.


The plank exercise primarily works the abdominals, but it also engages the arms, shoulders, hip flexors, and feet, making it a good full-body stability exercise.

Side plank

The side plank is a modified version of the plank that works the quadratus lumborum as well as the gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata (TFL). These muscles are important for hip stability.

Abdominal drawing-in maneuver

Strong abdominal muscles help support the spine and keep the hips properly aligned. Weak abdominal muscles can result in poor core strength, which can causeTrusted Source lower back pain.

Abdominal crunches

Abdominal crunches help develop a strong core that provides better spinal support and hip alignment.

Kneeling back stretch

The kneeling back extension can help stretch the lower back muscles, easing pain and tension in these areas.