Exercises of the 28-day wall pilates challenge

Wall squats: Lean against the wall while performing squats, targeting your leg muscles and utilizing the wall for support and balance.

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Wall planks: Like traditional planks, but with your feet against the wall. This exercise strengthens your core, arms, and shoulders.

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Wall sit-ups: Amp up your sit-ups by bracing your feet against the wall, offering added resistance and support for your abdominal muscles.

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Leg lifts: Lie on your back with your legs extended upward against the wall. Lower and lift your legs to engage and tone your lower abdominal muscles.

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Wall bridges: While lying on your back, position your feet on the wall and lift your hips. This action engages your glutes and lower back muscles.

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Wall push-ups: Modify push-ups by placing your hands on the wall instead of the floor, effectively targeting your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

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Wall stretching: Make the most of the wall's support for various stretching exercises, enhancing flexibility and expanding your range of motion.

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