Effective ayurvedic remedies for sharp tooth pain

Garlic and clove oil

Ayurvedic plants like garlic and clove are known for their medicinal properties, which can be applied to teeth to alleviate pain and improve dental health.

Lime and asafoetida

Citrus fruits' vitamin C content effectively heals teeth, while limes can relieve tooth pain, bleeding gums, and loose teeth. Apply a mixture of asafoetida and lime juice for pain relief.

Neem and babool

Neem and babool extracts are known for their ability to heal tooth pains and oral issues, acting as antiseptic disinfectants, removing dental decay, and providing pain relief.

Pepper and rock salt

Pepper, also known as maricha in Ayurveda treatment, effectively treats sensitive teeth pain by mixing pepper dust with rock salt, improving oral health and hygiene.

Bayberry bark

The bayberry tree bark is an effective Ayurvedic remedy for treating tooth pain, with a paste and vinegar base for relief, and consultations for specific problems.