Drop foot: Causes, symptoms and treatment for a speedy recovery

Drop foot, also called foot drop, is a condition where you struggle to lift the front part of the foot due to weak or paralyzed muscles.

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That can make walking a bit tricky, as you might drag your foot along the ground or raise it higher than usual to avoid tripping.

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Drop foot can have various underlying causes, and figuring out the root cause is crucial for effective treatment.

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One common cause is injury to the peroneal nerve, which runs down the leg and helps control foot movement.

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Other potential culprits include nerve-related issues like herniated discs or conditions like stroke and multiple sclerosis.

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Spotting foot drop symptoms isn't as complicated as it sounds. If you find yourself dragging your foot, experiencing weakness or numbness or having difficulty lifting your toes

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Physical therapy: Your new best friend, physical therapy can do wonders for strengthening weak muscles and improving your walking gait

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Braces and splints: Think of them as superhero gear for your foot. Braces or splints can help hold your foot in the correct position

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Nerve stimulation: Electrical nerve stimulation can be used to stimulate the affected nerves and help restore proper foot movement

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