Diet tips that can help your child combat exam stress

Ensure that your children don't skip breakfast

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When you skip your breakfast, you don't feed your body with the right kind of energy it needs for proper functioning.

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Add Omega-3-rich meals to their weekly diet

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Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for the mind as they improve brain health.

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Feed them food that's good for their gut health

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During instances of stress and anxiety, one's gut health goes for a toss, and one experience many gastrointestinal issues like stomach upsetness, nausea, acidity, acid reflux, and gas.

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Ensure they are drinking enough water to keep themselves hydrated

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Hydration is extremely important and students are very likely to miss out on it during episodes of immense mental pressure, stress, tension, and anxiety.

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Limit their caffeine, sugar, and processed food consumption

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When stressed, your child may cope with it by eating junk and sugary foods like ice cream, fritters, cookies, etc. This can spike their blood sugar levels and mess up their metabolism.