Can fries drive you into depression? Here's what a new research has to say

Time to bid adieu to French fries?

French fries are a beloved comfort food, but a research team in Hangzhou, China found that frequent consumption of fried foods is linked to a 12% higher risk of anxiety and 7% higher risk of depression.

Risks associated with fried foods

Fried foods are known risk factors for obesity, high blood pressure and other health effects.

About the study

The study found that fried food had a 2% increase in risk of depression over fried white meat, and that those who consumed more than one serving of fried food were more likely to be younger men.

Impact of potatoes on mental health

The health effects of fried food will depend on what food is fried and what type of fat is used. Potatoes are a concern for possible effects on mood, but the fat from frying can help blunt these surges.

What to do?

It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing mental health problems, as there has been a rise in depression and anxiety worldwide. Eat wholesome foods rich in nutrients.