Calming yoga poses for stress relief

Standing forward bend

Reach tall and exhale forward, then bend knees enough to be able to place your palms on the floor, with head pressed against your legs.

Cat-cow pose

Start on all fours, then while exhaling, round your back toward the ceiling and bring your navel up towards your spine. Bring back to the neutral position, of spine and head aligned.

Easy Pose

Sit up straight, then extend your legs in front of your body, then with knees wide, place each foot beneath the opposite knee and cross your legs in toward your torso.

Head to knee forward bend

Sit straight with legs extended, bend left leg and bring the sole of your foot to the upper inside right thigh. Your left knee should rest on the floor. Put both palms on either side of right leg and inhale.

Bridge pose

Lie flat on back and bend both knees, place feet flat on the floor at hip width apart. Slide arms alongside the body with palms facing down. Inhale and lift the hips up, rolling spine off the floor.

Corpse pose

Lie flat on back with legs close together but without touching, arms at sides with palms facing up. Let eyes and face soften and close eyes, while breathing deeply.

Childs pose

Kneel on a yoga mat with legs together and slowly sit back onto heels. Extend torso up and bend forward from the hips so your chest rests on your thighs and your forehead rests on the ground in front of you.