Budget-friendly decor ideas for a stunning festive home makeover

Paper decoration

Create paper leaves and combine them with blossom for a visually appealing arrangement. Place this piece on the wall behind Bappa for easy display.

Frame decoration

Create a DIY frame with three sides, wrap a garland of blossoms, cover with translucent textile, and hang marigold or other blossoms, choosing wisely for longevity.

Seating decoration

Create a DIY step ritual by placing cardboard boxes, covering them with vibrant textile, and decorating with a lamp stand, blossoms, or a bowl of water.

Om symbol

Create a DIY frill by carving a core on cardboard, surrounded by leaves or paper, and tinted with pop blend for an appealing appearance.

Go the traditional way

Old is gold in enhancing spaces with freshness and vibrancy through flowers, fairy lights, diyas, and candles, a cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing option.