Best health benefits of Lavender tea

Lavender tea for better sleep

De-stress and sleep easy all by curling up before bed with a cup of calming lavender tea.

Lavender tea for menstrual pain medicine

This soothing sweet herb reduces inflammation, calms the body, and minimizes muscle spasms all awesome traits for someone who is experiencing pain.

Protect skin from fungal infection

Lavender has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, both of which are awesome at promoting skin healing and keeping you flushed with health.

Lavender tea for balancing the immune system

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties all lead to lavender being hugely beneficial for your immune system.

Supports digestive system

Get your digestive system into shape as you sit down to sip a nurturing cup of lavender tea.

Lavender tea for improving respiratory health

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties get to work on the muscles in your chest and throat, making it easier to breathe and effectively dealing with any bacteria.

Lavender tea as an anxiety remover

Lavender is said to stimulate activity in certain places of the brain, sending messages and impulses between brain cells that communicate a calm demeanor and a positive mood.