This book offers so much insight into the goals and achievements of those closest to the world's first superhero.
Author Abraham Riesman presents a definitive, detailed biography of the life and career of Stan Lee, one of the most influential voices in comic book history, and star of the MCU, of course.
Fictional superpowers in comics usually come with fictional explanations and origins. Gresh and Weinberg look to use real-world science and technology.
Travis Langley explores everything from Batman's motivations, to the trauma of witnessing his parents murdered in front of him, to his fashion choices, to his decision to recruit kids to aid his war on crime.
Shawna Kidman approaches the history of comic books, not through the lens of the creators or fictional characters involved, but through a business-focused lens.
This book offers an in-depth look at one of the big two comic book companies, pulling from hundreds of interviews with writers and artists who worked for Marvel through its highs and lows.
This is a versatile book that covers just about every aspect of comic books from their origins, to the creators behind the pages, to the many successful onscreen adaptations.