Beginner-friendly asanas to kickstart your yoga journey

Mountain pose

In the Mountain Pose or Tadasana, engage your fingers, stretch your arms above your head, and lift your toes while maintaining balance.

Tree pose

Tree Pose, or Vrikshasana, involves standing on one leg, pushing the other leg out, balancing feet on the thigh, folding hands in namaste, and stretching them over the head.

Car cow pose

The Cat Cow Pose involves performing Bharmanasana on the floor, keeping shoulders above the wrists and hips above the knees, inhaling while arching the back, and exhaling while curling the back.

Cobra pose

Cobra Pose involves lying on stomach, toes pointing back, hands underneath shoulders, elbows close, inhaling, lifting chest, rolling collarbones, firming shoulder blades, and lifting head.

Spine and twist on back pose

The Spine and Twist On Back Pose involves lying on your back, folding knees, spreading arms, and twisting your lower body, ending with a hug and conscious breathing in Shavasana.