All you need to know about panchakarma treatment

What is Panchakarma in Ayurveda?

Panchakarma Treatment is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy involving internal purification through five procedures, providing prevention and cure for various health concerns and visible relief from various diseases.

How does Panchakarma help?

Panchakarma therapy improves digestion, absorption, Ojas production, and restores imbalanced Doshas, promoting good health and wellness in Ayurveda.

What is the origin of Panchakarma Chikitsa?

Panchakarma Chikitsa, an ancient Ayurvedic treatment process, originated 5,000 years ago and is still practiced today using modern tools to cleanse the body of toxins.

What are the 5 Panchakarma steps?


This procedure involves induced vomiting to help balance the Kapha and is indicated in respiratory illnesses and skin ailments.


Pitta when in excess causes digestive problems. The prescribed purgative helps purge the toxins collected in the stomach so that the balance of Pitta is restored.


This procedure involves administering of prescribed oils and decoction combinations through the ano-rectal route to help balance the Vata.


This procedure done through the nasal orifice helps decongest the sinuses and heal abnormalities of the cranial nerves.


This traditional method makes use of leeches or sterilized sharp instruments to remove impure blood from the body.