AI-Infused Brain Surgery Enables Paralyzed NY Man to Move and Feel

A groundbreaking brain surgery allowed a Long Island man named Keith Thomas, paralyzed in a tragic diving accident, to defy the odds

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This remarkable achievement has medical experts and researchers at Manhasset's Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research touting it as a pioneering case for AI-infused surgeries

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Keith Thomas, a successful wealth manager living in Manhattan, suffered a devastating neck and spinal injury while diving into a friend's pool in Montauk in 2020.

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The accident left him paralyzed from the neck down, and he was initially told he would never regain movement below the neck.

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Keith Thomas' indomitable spirit and the belief that he could overcome his paralysis made him an ideal candidate for revolutionary brain surgery

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The AI-infused surgery to restore movement and sensation to Keith Thomas was an intricate and high-pressure 15-hour procedure.

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During parts of the brain surgery, Thomas had to be awake to communicate with the medical team, including Dr. Mehta and fellow operators

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Following the brain surgery's unprecedented success and a week of recovery, Keith Thomas experienced a joyous milestone – he could hold his sister's hand

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The story of Keith Thomas is an inspiring testament to the power of the human spirit and the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the field of medicine.

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As the medical community continues to push the boundaries of technology and human resilience, the sky truly is the limit for what can be achieved in the realm of brain surgery and beyond.

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