Adding the 10-second longetivity test to routine physical examinations

The study provides insight into the importance of maintaining a healthy sense of balance to improve overall health and longevity

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The researchers recommend that physicians or other healthcare providers should include the 10-second test in routine physical exams for middle-aged and older adults.

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Their reasoning is as follows: identifying individuals with a higher risk of mortality through the simple balance test could lead to early interventions and targeted programmes to improve overall health outcomes.

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For people who struggle with the 10-second test, incorporating simple, yet effective, exercises in their daily routine can improve their skills and overall health outcomes

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The study also emphasizes the importance of developing proprioception with training and practice.

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Proprioception is the ability to sense where the body is in space.

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Physical therapists recommend exercises like standing on one foot while performing everyday tasks like brushing teeth or cooking for short durations.

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If individuals find this exercise challenging, they can step-up their game by closing their eyes.

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Experts also recommend strengthening exercises, including leg press and calf raises, which significantly improve balance skills.

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