A timeline of Nepal’s long history of plane crashes

May 2022: On May 29, a Tara Airplane carrying 22 people, including four Indians from Thane, crashed in Nepal’s rugged Mustang province

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February 2019: An Air Dynasty chopper crashed into a hill while attempting to return to Kathmandu in murky weather. Rabindra Adhikari, Nepal’s Tourism Minister, was one of the seven passengers killed in the crash

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March 2018: 49 persons were murdered on 12 March 2018 when a US-Bangla plane carrying 67 passengers and four crew members crashed at Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International airport.

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February 2016: An Air Kashthamandap aircraft with 11 persons on board crashed in the Kalikot area of Nepal. The event killed two crew members and injured all nine passengers.

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May 2015: A US Marine Corps squadron crashed in the country’s Charikot region, killing all eight people on board. The UH-1Y Huey, containing six US marines and two Nepali soldiers, went missing during a mission

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May 2012: Thirteen Indian pilgrims were among 15 persons who died in May 2012 when a Dornier jet with 21 people on board crashed into a hilltop in northern Nepal while attempting to land at a high-altitude airfield

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September 2011: A Buddha Air Beechcraft 1900D carrying guests on a sightseeing tour of Mount Everest collided with a hill. The entire crew of 19, including ten Indians, perished.

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September 2006: A Shree Air helicopter crashed during a chartered flight in Eastern Nepal, killing all 24 passengers and staff members on board.

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June 2006: A Yeti aircraft carrying six passengers, including crew members, crashed on the ground.

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November 2001: A chartered helicopter crashed on a flight in Western Nepal. Princess Prekshya Shah of Nepal was among the six people murdered in the tragedy.

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