A Beginner’s Guide To Terrace Gardening!

Start with the Right Soil

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Before you get started with gardening, ensure you do a bit of research on the plants you intend to grow and the kind of soil they require.

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Go Organic

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If you are planning to grow fruits and vegetables that you intend to consume, make sure you use organic fertilizers (compost and vermicompost are the best kinds of fertilizers) and pesticides.

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Water-proof your Roof

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If you are planning to start a garden on the terrace, ensure to water-proof your roof, so that your house doesn’t suffer any damage.

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Once you waterproof your terrace, it is time to divide the area into slots. The layout will help you understand what goes where.

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Start Slow

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Gardening is a slow process. Hence, please don’t rush into it. Instead, take baby steps. Begin with plants you are familiar with.