8 medicinal uses of Wasabi for cold

Reduces inflammation

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Eating wasabi helps reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract when we suffer from a cold or a sore throat. This is due to an organic compound in wasabi called allyl isothiocyanate that creates the strong taste of wasabi.

Source of Iron

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Wasabi contains iron. Eating enough iron-rich food lowers the risk of feeling the symptoms of low blood iron, which can be fatigue, palpitations, and other related issues.

Aids in Detoxification

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Wasabi contains thiocyanates, which are small particles that escape in the air in your mouth while you are eating them, moving upwards into your nasal passage.

Boosts the immune system

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Wasabi contains lots of vitamin A, which is an important immune system booster. It is rich in glucosinolates, which are chemicals with high antibacterial abilities.

Clears out Sinuses

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Interestingly enough, the leaves and stem of the wasabi plant have strong antibacterial properties, and it’s loaded with antioxidants to boost the immune system.

High Nutritious Value

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Wasabi contains calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium, which are all necessary for recovery, especially from a common cold, sore throat, sinus infections, etc.

Fights respiratory infections

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It is clear that eating wasabi has properties that help in curing sore throats, colds, etc. It also provides an umbrella of benefits that help to decongest and disinfect your respiratory tract.

Antimicrobial Properties

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Wasabi is antimicrobial in nature, giving it the ability to fight off infections and viral illnesses. This ability also makes it excellent for the stomach and intestinal tract, which are exposed to elements from within the body.