7  Must-Have Holiday Baking Staples To Buy at Trader Joe's

Christmas Sprinkles

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There's one foolproof way to turn a regular cookie into a Christmas cookie, and that's sprinkles! These are one of the first staples to stash in your pantry in preparation for the coming baking bonanza.

Peppermint-Flavored Baking Chips

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Another way to change things up for winter is by swapping out chocolate chips for peppermint ones.

Organic Cane Sugar

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Not to put too fine a point on it, but if you're going hard in the kitchen this holiday, you're need to stock up on the basics now

Portuguese Flor de Sal

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If you think quality makes a difference when it comes to sugar sourcing, that goes double for salt.

Organic Pure Bourbon Vanilla

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There are baking ingredients that you can skimp on and not really notice the difference—vanilla extract isn't one of them.

Chocolate Peppermint Loaf And Baking Mix

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Ah, the power of a loaf cake. Simply mix the batter together, throw it into a greased and lined pan, and wait for the compliments to roll in.

Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

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If you make cookies with any regularity, you probably always have a couple bags of these on hand. Double that for the holidays.