7  Effective Eating Habits to Lose Belly Fat as You Age

Eat more fiber-rich foods

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Fiber-rich foods can do wonders for your health as you age, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, as well as helping with your weight loss and belly fat loss goals

Increase your protein intake

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Losing belly fat as you age is nearly impossible without adequate levels of protein in your daily diet

Eat more healthy fats

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We now know that eating more fiber and protein can help you lose belly fat as you get older, and Sabat says adding in sources of healthy fats can make a significant impact as well.

Limit your ultra-processed food consumption

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Adding more protein, fiber, and healthy fats to your daily routine can all be critical moves toward your weight loss goals, but there are also certain types of foods worth limiting as well.

Eat a balanced diet

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At the end of the day, focusing on one or two specific nutrients is helpful for your health goals, but the best thing you can do is make sure you're also eating a balanced diet full of all the important food groups.

Practice portion control

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The quality of your food is crucial in achieving better health as you age, but Sabat also recommends focusing on portion sizes as well.

Avoid excess sugars

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"Studies consistently show that excess sugar leads to unwanted fat, especially fat that's stored in the abdomen