6 Simple Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Dental Health

Sukshma Yoga for Oral Care: Alternately open and close the jaws. Also, massage the lower jaw while doing this

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Movement of Tongue: Touching your tongue to the mid-palate and making the sound tah,tah,tah promotes oral health

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Sheetkari Pranayam: is another effective exercise. Sheetkari as the name suggests is a cooling pranayama

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Khechari Mudra-- "This is considered to be an effective way to get the salivary glands activated. The process involves drawing the tip of the tongue along the roof of the mouth toward the back of the nostrils

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Several other asanas like matsyasana, sarvangasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, paschimottanasana, could be used in treating pyorrhea

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Another very common practice is where one pounds his upper teeth on the lower ones approximate 30 times and this is followed by massaging the entire gums with saliva-coated tongue

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