6 High protein foods that you can nosh on Navratri!

Dairy items such as milk, paneer, and buttermilk

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Protein-rich dairy products like yoghurt, cheese, and paneer are by-products of milk that are also abundant in nutrients.

Include nuts in your daily diet

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Dry fruits and nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, are excellent sources of protein that will give you an immediate energy boost

Kuttu flour is a decent source of protein

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Another source of protein that will keep you healthy during Navaratri is kuttu atta or buckwheat flour. Kuttu atta can be a fantastic

Rajgira or amaranth

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Rajgira, commonly referred to as amaranth, is also a rich source of protein. It contains a significant amount of fibre, iron, calcium, magnesium, and other vital minerals

Stay hydrated with protein shakes

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Keep yourself hydrated by drinking protein shakes that are healthy and nutritious. You can try different combinations with your protein shake

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During fasts, sabudana's superior complex carbohydrate content provides a much-needed energy boost
