6 benefits of having walnuts in winters

Boost satiety

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Walnuts are a rich source of healthy unsaturated fats—the ‘good’ type of fat that helps to switch on satiety hormones in your gut, helping to reduce hunger pangs.

Walnuts aid in burning calories

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Walnuts' protein and fiber provide the body with a long-lasting, satisfied sensation. This will lessen the likelihood of overindulging in convenience foods and overeating.

Lower the risk of cardiovascular disease

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This is the first investigation into how a diet high in walnuts affects total cholesterol levels in older people from different regions over a two-year period.

Prevents cancer

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Regular consumption of nuts and seeds can contribute to longer, healthier lives. According to recent studies, eating nuts and seeds lowers your risk of developing cancer, particularly breast cancer.

Fortifies nails and hair

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Walnuts' fatty acids help keep eyebrows and scalp hair from falling out. They also aid in strengthening and nourishing your hair to enhance its health.

Improves fertility

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\Walnuts can be used as energy balls, paired with fresh fruit, or dipped in melted dark chocolate for a nutritious snack.