5 yoga poses that improve your concentration

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

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Padmasana or Lotus Pose derives its name from the Sanskrit word for lotus. To truly enjoy the benefits of this asana, sit in a cross-legged position with an erect spine and both feet on the opposite thighs

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Bhramari pranayama (Bee breathing)

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Bhramari pranayama or bee breathing is a breathing exercise in which you make a bee-like buzzing sound while exhaling. Bhramari pranayama's name is derived from the Sanskrit word for black Indian bee

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Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend pose)

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Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend pose is ideal for people who have a sedentary lifestyle. If your work requires you to be on the chair for long hours, this posture can help with your lower back issues

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Padahastasana (Standing forward bend pose)

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Padahastasana or standing forward bend pose is one of the key yoga for brain power pose. It energizes the nervous system

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Halasana (Plow Pose)

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Halsana or Plow pose is good for your nervous system as it recalibrates your inner compass. It helps boost your mood, relieves tension, and calms your mind.