5 Yoga Poses and Exercises for Better Sleep Tonight

Yoga Belly Breathing

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Lying down, put one hand below your belly button. Breathe in through your nose to fill your lungs (your belly should rise). Breathe out through your nose

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Range of Motion Sequence

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Lie down on the floor or in your bed. Circle your ankles. Extend your legs out long then bend your knees. Lift and lower your hips to make circular movements

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Knee Hug

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Lie down and hug one or both knees into your chest. (Whether or not you do one or both depends on your physical abilities.) If you can hug both knees into your chest at the same time, rock from side to side to massage your spine

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Shoulder Shrug

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Sit on your bed, sitting up straight with good posture. Inhale and bring your shoulders up to your ears and squeeze your arm and shoulder muscles tightly.

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Corpse Pose

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Lie down with your arms at your sides, palms up and relaxed. Close your eyes and focus on the rise and fall of your breath. If you have trouble with intrusive thoughts, acknowledge their presence and picture them floating away