5 Yoga Exercises For Women

Adho Mukha Svanasana

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Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the most popular Yoga poses for women that is easy to practise and has enormous benefits

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Butterfly Exercise or Baddha Konasana

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Butterfly yoga is one of the best yoga for pregnant women as it can help in stretching your groin area and the hamstrings while eliminating abdominal discomfort.

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Vajrasana/ Thunderbolt Pose/ Diamond Pose

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This is one of the best yoga poses for ladies  where you need to kneel down and then sit back straight  on your legs to take the weight off the knees

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If you are looking for the best teenage girl yoga poses to increase your height, then nothing can be better than Vrikshasana or the tree pose asana.

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Dhanurasana/ Bow Pose

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Dhanurasana is considered to  be one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss. In fact, if you wish to lose those stubborn belly fats as soon as possible, then you need to practise the bow pose regularly.