5 Workplace Yoga Poses For Tiredness

Child’s Pose ( Balasana )

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The child's pose is also known as the balasana. It is one of the easiest yoga postures you can practice to rev up your energy level and tackle your fatigue. It relaxes your muscles and calms the body by opening your hip and back muscles

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Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana )

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The butterfly pose is a gentle yoga posture that helps to stretch your inner and outer hips and groin, and it helps to soar energy in your body by circulating blood

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Cobra Pose

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The cobra pose is a reclining back-bending asana performed in a cycle of asanas as an alternative to Surya namaskar. It is a heart-opening backbend posture that stretches your entire upper body and provides relief if you are having back problems

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Corpse Pose

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Corpse pose or savasana is a pose that is usually practiced at the end of any yoga session. The savasana pose helps you lie down on your back and relax your body and mind to assimilate the benefits of the asana practice fully

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Legs Up The Wall Pose ( Viparita Karani )

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The legs up the wall pose are one of the best yoga poses that helps you to get rid of chronic tiredness and fatigue.