5 Tips to Have a Fit & Healthy Holi

1. Cook Healthy Snacks and Foods

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If you have an eye for it, you can always find healthy alternatives when it comes to Holi snacks and foods. These delicacies are equally flavorful and much healthier than the traditional ones

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2. Make it your rest day

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Taking rest days is very important when you work out regularly. Arrange your week in a way that your rest way is on Holi day.

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3. Don’t sit around all day

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You can burn lots of calories while having fun on this day. Holi is all about running around and playing games, no matter with adults or children

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4. Drink plenty of fluids

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That does not mean too much beer or bhang, which are the most famous drinks on this day. With all the water around, it can be a little hard to stay hydrated.

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5. Rest well

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Sometimes the fun can stretch out through the day and you do not get the time to rest properly before it’s another workday