5 Skincare Hacks That Actually Work

Skipping The Facial Cleanser In the Morning

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We know even thinking about this type of skin care hack sounds scary. But if you have dry or dehydrated skin, you can skip the morning cleansing, especially if you did it  the previous evening

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Double Cleansing

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One of the most important skincare beauty tips is to use the right facial cleanser and cleanse your face gently. However, you can also try double cleansing as one of the beauty hacks for skin

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Apply Facial Oil Over Moisturiser

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This skin care hack might be one of the most uncommon hacks you have heard about. But applying facial oil over moisturiser instead of before the moisturiser can be better as it will allow the products to get absorbed into your skin.

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Measure Your Sunscreen In Fingers

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One of the most creative beauty hacks for skin we have come across so far is to measure the sunscreen on your fingers.

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Massaging Your Skin While Applying Products

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While applying your skin care products, always remember to massage them in your skin gently with the help of slow, gentle and upward strokes.