5 proven easy ways to reduce your screen time

Set screen time limits

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Use built-in screen time management features on your devices or third-party apps to set daily or weekly limits for specific apps or categories

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Create a daily schedule

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Plan your day in advance by allocating specific time blocks for work, leisure, exercise, and other activities. Include screen-free periods to encourage more balanced living

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Design a screen-free environment

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Establish areas in your home where screens are not allowed. For example, make your bedroom a screen-free zone to improve sleep quality.

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Practice the 20-20-20 rule

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Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on something 20 feet away. This simple exercise reduces eye strain

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Engage in offline hobbies

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Replace the time spent on screen with offline activities you enjoy. This could be anything from playing a musical instrument, gardening, painting, or going for a hike.