5 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Cardio

Focusing only on cardio

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While doing cardio is an excellent way to improve heart health and boost your endurance, it’s not the best way to improve your body composition or get stronger

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Not eating beforehand

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You may have heard of people doing fasted cardio, which means working out on an empty stomach

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Not warming up

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Just like you wouldn’t try to squat 200lbs without warming up first, you shouldn’t go out for a run or a bike ride without prepping your body first

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Doing too much cardio

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If you start off a cardio routine by trying to do more than you’re currently capable of, or you refuse to take any rest days once you settle into a routine, you’re doing your body a disservice

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Only doing one type of exercise

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Doing different types of exercises helps prevent boredom and overuse injuries. It also allows you to use different muscle groups and challenge your body in different ways.