5 common mistakes we make when working from home

Not setting up a designated workspace

Creating a proper workspace is crucial for remote workers, ensuring a boundary between home life and work. Allocating space, investing in good desks, and utilizing designated workspaces can enhance productivity and success.

Not establishing a proper routine

Establishing a work routine and setting specific times for tasks like exercise, meetings, and breaks can improve productivity and reduce stress in working from home.

Eating food at your desk (while working)

Remote working offers convenience and snacks, but it's important to treat the day like an office, eating at a desk, and taking breaks to relax.

Not taking breaks outside of the house

Remote workers often overlook creating a healthy routine, including regular physical activity, healthy snacks, and regular hydration. Regular exercise, healthy snacks, and a balanced diet can help maintain focus and motivation.

Thinking you can balance childcare and work

Working from home offers a flexible schedule for parents, allowing them to balance childcare needs with work. Strategic childcare can help create a relaxed environment for children.