Interesting facts about Elon Musk that you probably didn’t know

Facts about Elon Musk

Only a few people on this globe would utter the phrase “how strange” after learning that they had become the world’s richest person. Elon Musk tweeted this after his net worth surpassed $186 billion. It was after putting him ahead of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos on the prestigious list of the world’s wealthiest individuals. But there’s a lot more to the Tesla CEO than meets the eye. So, here are some fascinating facts about Elon Musk that many people are unaware of.

Facts about Elon Musk

Elon Musk was born in the South Africa

Elon Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa, to Errol and Maye Musk, and spent most of his youth there until moving to Canada at the age of 17. He is a citizen of three nations as of today: South Africa, Canada, and the United States of America. He is currently based in Los Angeles, California.

Musk built a video game when he was 12 years old and sold it for $500

At the age of 12, Musk invented the video game ‘Blastar.’ He created the game’s computer code, which was based on a science fiction theme and was comparable to Space Invaders. A South African firm eventually launched the game after paying Musk $500 for the source code.

Elon Musk dropped out of Stanford in two days

Elon Musk received two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Pennsylvania before moving to Stanford to study physics. Surprisingly, he dropped out after only two days to start his own firm, Zip2.

So far, Musk has established eight companies

Zip2, PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyperloop, OpenAI, Neuralink, and The Boring Company are among Elon Musk’s eight businesses.

Elon Musk had a desire to sell Tesla

Musk came close to selling Tesla to Google for $11 billion in 2013. Tesla was not the corporation it is today at the time, and Elon was losing a lot of money. Elon Musk just pulls a yearly salary of $1 from Tesla while most of his wealth arises from his stock share.

Musk is a huge admirer of the X-Men franchise

The Tesla CEO is such a fan of the X-Men that he named several of his Tesla facility’s robots after mutant superheroes such as Xavier, Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, and Iceman. “To us, these robots are like superheroes, so we figured they deserved superhero names.” – Tesla wrote

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