By fulfilling 650 Make-A-Wish desires, John Cena establishes a new Guinness World record


John Cena recently broke a record, but it wasn’t in the wrestling ring. With 650 wishes granted through the Make-A-Wish foundation, the actor and WWE superstar was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Since making his WWE debut in 2002, Cena has grown to be one of the most well-liked wrestlers ever. He granted the foundation’s first wish in 2002 and its 1,000th wish in 2012.

What is this concept of Make-A-Wish?

Children who have been told they have a life-threatening condition can have their wishes granted thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. They cater to kids between the ages of 2 and 18. Moreover, they provide options like meeting a celebrity, attending an event, or even giving a present to someone else.

The Guinness Book of World Records confirmed that on July 19, the 650th wish was granted. According to a statement from the Guinness Book of World Records, “We’re happy to salute John Cena and his commitment to the Make-A-Wish foundation.”

Cena granted his 500th wish in 2015

Cena granted his 500th wish in 2015. In a video made for WWE’s YouTube channel, he remarked, “I can’t express enough how great it is to see the kids so joyful, and their families so pleased. I sincerely want to show them that it’s their day.” “I simply let everything go. Regardless of what I’m doing,”

John Cena is the most requested celebrity, according to Make-A-Wish. Moreover, no other celebrity has ever granted more than 200 wishes in the organization’s history.

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