Accepted by over 170 colleges, Louisiana teen may create a world record

Accepted by over 170 colleges, Louisiana teen may create a world record

Louisiana teen Dennis Maliq Barnes was accepted by over 170 colleges and offered scholarships adding up to $9 million. Read to know more about the possible Guinness world record-maker.

Teen accepted into 170 colleges

A 16-year-old high school student in the US received acceptance into a total of 170 colleges. Louisiana teen Dennis Maliq Barnes did not intend to get accepted by those many when he began applying in August 2022. He focused on applying to as many schools as he could. “As I applied to more schools, as my numbers went up, with the financial aid and acceptances into universities, I became intrigued. It was never really a surprise for me once I reached that number,” stated Barnes.

He revealed he did not intend to make history in the beginning. He applied to about 200 colleges but as the acceptances and financial aid started rising, he became “intrigued.” “When I was told I was close to the record, I just went for it,” added Barnes. According to officials, the boy’s achievement also creates a new record and they reached out to the Guinness Book of World Records. The teen has a GPA of 4.98 and graduating after two years in high school. “I don’t know where I want to go. I intend to pursue computer science,” revealed Barnes.

More on the incredible achievement

In an interview with CNN, Barnes stated he believes the presence of a strong support system is the main reason behind his success. His support system is made up of friends and family in addition to an unwavering belief in the almighty. “If you keep your school, and also your education a priority and keep God in the mix. Then you are going to be successful no matter what you do. I am a God-fearing young man; I keep God first,” revealed Barnes.

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