Thanks to this easy AI test, the search for alien life has become easier

Thanks to this easy AI test, the search for alien life has become easier

Scientists at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC, have made a significant breakthrough in their search for alien life by developing a simple test. This artificial intelligence (AI) test can determine whether a sample is from a living thing or not with 90% accuracy. The fascinating part is that it may work on existing samples, such as those from Mars. This discovery uses artificial intelligence to detect minute changes in the arrangement of molecules in samples. Unlike prior approaches, it does not require the search for specific chemicals associated with life. According to The Independent, it is more adaptable.

Scientists fed the AI data from 134 known samples, telling it whether or not each one came from life

Scientists fed the AI data from 134 known samples, telling it whether or not each one came from life. They then presented it with new samples to identify. It was correct 90% of the time. What’s interesting is that this AI can tell whether anything is alive or dead. It can tell the difference between a living leaf and one that has been dead for a long period. This procedure works even when the samples are old and have altered significantly. It’s significant because organic molecules, which can reveal whether or not there is life, frequently degrade over time.

This isn’t merely for the sake of saving space. It could help us solve Earth’s mysteries, such as whether or not ancient rocks hold the oldest fossilized life. It is being used by researchers to examine rocks from many locations, including Australia and Canada. AI is a dynamic tool that is redefining how we assimilate information, process data, and exploit acquired knowledge to improve decision-making, and it is already revolutionizing all parts of our daily lives.

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