What the ‘duck’: Apple autocorrect will no longer do this with the F-word

What the 'duck': Apple autocorrect will no longer do this with the F-word

What is language if not the honest expression of what you feel inside? When we put together words to form our speech, we provide our intrinsic feelings an outlet. However, when you REALLY need to vent your particular godforsaken feeling about someone and an invisible authority upholding morality gags you, keeping you from breathing hellfire at the soul who is unfortunately (or otherwise) caught in your fury, well, almost. At the very least, Apple has realized that carrying about the technological equivalent of a piece of fabric to place in people’s mouths does not always miraculously transform them into Zen monks. Apple iOS will no longer convert the term ‘duck’ in your texts.

Apple demonstrated an AI-powered keyboard for use on its devices during the 2023 Worldwide Developers Conference. This implies that the keyboard will learn that you want to cuss and will not allow you to write something else. You might be able to express your opinion now.

Duck! It’s about time.

“And in those moments where you just want to type a ducking word, well, the keyboard will learn it, too,” Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, and resident Daddy, said slyly during the presentation.

Because it was the first day of an Apple event. Everyone’s attention was focused on the announcement. Of course, there were important announcements. Apple Vision Pro, the company’s first augmented reality headset.

The Unjust Quackery

But the ‘duck’ drew everyone’s attention, and the internet (as expected) jumped on the bandwagon with memes and tweets!

But perhaps there is still a question. What had real ducks done to earn such a reputation? After all, where is our sense of animal rights? The contribution of ducks to our culture is enormous. DuckDuckGo is the name of a web browser. For generations, duck feather hats have been a fashion statement. ‘The Ugly Duckling’ is a story given to naïve young children. When a batsman is out without making any runs in cricket, he is said to be out on a duck. Duck The Billed Platypus is an animal with a duck-like beak.

Donald Duck does not require an introduction.

The ducks can now demand justice from humanity collectively.

Or they can simply duck and run!

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