The third member to fly with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has been confirmed! A mystery bidder won the auction on June 12 for $28 million. The winner gets to board and fly to space and back in Blue Origin on July 20.
Last week, Amazon CEO announced on Instagram that he and his brother would fly to space in the company’s new space flight. He added that the winner of the charity auction and a fourth unnamed space tourist is set to join them. “The name of the auction winner will be released in the weeks following the auction’s conclusion. Then, the fourth and final crew member will be announced — stay tuned.” tweeted Blue Origin’s official handles.
Blue origin space mission crew

Last week, Amazon CEO announced on Instagram that he and his brother would fly to space in the company’s new space flight. He added that the winner of the charity auction and a fourth unnamed space tourist is set to join them. “The name of the auction winner will be released in the weeks following the auction’s conclusion. Then, the fourth and final crew member will be announced — stay tuned.” tweeted Blue Origin’s official handles.
The winning bidder outlasted about 20 rivals in an online auction that wrapped up in a showdown. The proceeds will go to Club for the Future, Blue Origin’s foundation. It aims to help inspire the coming generations to pursue their careers in STEM, Science, Technology, Engineering, and mathematics.
The lift-off is scheduled for July 20 from a west Texas desert. New Shepard will be an 11 minute long and go till the Karman line. The location marks the boundary between the space and earth’s boundaries. After the rocket lifts off and separates, the capsule exceeds an altitude of 60 miles. Bezos, his brother, and two lucky passengers will get to experience weightlessness firsthand. Additionally, the capsule is set to flood back with the aid of three large parachutes.