This AI project can stalk politicians distracted by phone and shame them on social media

AI trolls politicians

AI trolls politicians

The AI project

Gone are the days of politicians goofing on their phones. This AI project ‘The Flemish Scrollers‘ can name and shame them on Instagram and Twitter. Read to find out how the system can bring an end to using phones during work time.

What is this AI project all about?

An AI program, The Flemish Scrollers, created by Dries Depoorter is set to change things. The program uses facial recognition and artificial intelligence to identify politicians and their phones. Additionally, when the program goes through videos of distracted politicians, it shares them on Instagram and Twitter. Moreover, it also tags their official handle in the video. “Automatically tagging distracted Belgian politicians when they use their phone on the daily live streams. This with the help of AI,” states their official handle.

The intention behind the makings of the program is not clear, But, it could be because of an incident in 2019 where Jan Jambon, the Flemish Minister-President was caught playing Angry Birds on his phone.

How does this program work?

The Belgian software developer source the videos from official live streams uploaded by the Flemish government. The software can identify politicians with a rectangle shape. It then gives a percentage sign for their phones and face. In addition to this, the AI program can monitor multiple faces on a screenshot.

“The app can b open source, which means that anyone around the world could be able to use the technology to keep an eye on their politicians. Assuming a public video feed is available,” said Depoorter. He hopes that this highlights the dangers of facial recognition which is inaccurate for people of color. This is mainly aimed at highlighting the capacities of technology.

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