Watch video: Tesla car’s autopilot system confuses the moon with traffic light

Tesla Autopilot

Tesla Autopilot

Tesla car autopilot system

Tesla cars have become highly popular for a variety of reasons. One of them is the Tesla car’s autopilot system, often known as Full Self-Driving. It is one of the features that makes it so appealing. However, a glitch has led to it mistaking a moon for a yellow traffic signal, owing to a popular video.

“Hey @/elonmusk  you might want to have your team look into the moon tricking the autopilot system. The car thinks the moon is a yellow traffic light and wanted to keep slowing down,” the caption stated, tagging the Tesla CEO as well so that he could look into the problem. 

Whenever the moon appeared in the scene, the screen displayed a traffic signal with a yellow light streaming through. As a result, the car continues to slow down even when there is nothing visible ahead.

The video went viral for obvious reasons. It has received over half a million views, Over 1800 retweets, and 13,000 likes so far. In the comments section, users responded to the video. Some people believe there is a problem with the technology’s algorithm. One user even said that he had the same issue with his own car.

Tesla car autopilot system

Elon Musk’s cars are famous for their advanced autopilot or remote driving features. It allows users to operate vehicles without being behind the wheel.

The moon looked to be very yellow and low in the sky. Hence, it may have contributed to the unusual problem. Although drivers of such advanced cars would want to have it fixed.

The problem arose after Tesla stated that anybody may pay $99 to $199 per month to subscribe to Autopilot’s FSD feature. Rather than paying a one-time fee of $10,000 at the time of car purchase.

Tesla’s Autopilot feature has already encountered certain difficulties. But the company claims that these shortcomings are well within the grasp of a newly introduced technology.

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