Meet Oliver Daemen, an 18-year-old who will go to space on the Blue Origin flight. Moreover, he is set to become the youngest person to go to space. Here’s everything about him.
The young and old, both aboard the Blue Origin flight
The first paying customer on the spaceflight will also be the youngest person to fly to space. The 18-year-old will join Jeff Bezos, his brother Wally Bezos and Wally Funk. The company’s first human flight is set to take off on July 20, 2021. “This marks the beginning of commercial operations for New Shepard, and Oliver represents a new generation of people who will help us build a road to space,” announced Bob Smith, the CEO of Blue Origin. Additionally, the space flight will also have the oldest person to fly, Wally Funk at the ripe age of 82.
Initially, the winner of the auction, who wishes to be anonymous was going to be a part of the legendary flight. However, due to scheduling conflicts, they chose Daemen to take the seat. “We thank the auction winner for their generous support of Club for the Future and are honored to welcome Oliver to fly with us on New Shepard,” added Smith.
Who is Oliver Daemen?
Oliver Daemen graduated from high school last year. The Moon, space, and rockets were a part of his fascination since the age of four. After graduating high school he has been working towards a pilot’s license. Additionally, he plans to attend Utrecht University in the Netherlands and study physics and innovation management from Fall 2021.
“Flying on New Shepard will fulfill a lifelong dream. I’ve been dreaming about this all my life. Now, I’ll be the youngest astronaut ever, ” said Oliver in a video message.