Huawei and SMIC unveil advanced 7nm Processor for Mate 60 Pro, signaling China’s chipmaking progress

Huawei and SMIC unveil advanced 7nm Processor for Mate 60 Pro, signaling China's chipmaking progress

The Mate 60 Pro, the latest smartphone from Chinese tech giant Huawei, is driven by a cutting-edge Kirin 9000s chip developed by China’s largest chipmaker, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC). This discovery stems from a TechInsights disassembly examination, which revealed a substantial leap in Chinese semiconductor technology, according to the Reuters news agency.

Chip technology 7nm

The processor used in the Mate 60 Pro was a key milestone for SMIC because it was the first chip to use the most sophisticated 7nm technology. This development also highlighted the Chinese government’s progress in establishing a domestic semiconductor ecosystem, as stated by the research firm.

The remarkable capabilities of the Mate 60 Pro

According to early reviews from Mate 60 Pro buyers in China, the smartphone has outstanding capabilities, including download speeds that outperform top-tier 5G phones. The phone’s release sparked a lot of buzz on Chinese social media sites and in official media. It coincided with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s visit.

Restrictions in the United States

Since 2019, the US has imposed limitations on Huawei, limiting its access to critical chipmaking tools required for the production of sophisticated smartphone models.

Despite these obstacles, research firms earlier stated that Huawei intended to return to the 5G smartphone market by the end of the year. Huawei’s breakthroughs in semiconductor design tools and partnership with SMIC are likely to drive this return.

According to Dan Hutcheson, an analyst at TechInsights, this chip development is a “slap in the face” to the US, demonstrating Huawei’s self-sufficiency in chip technology and reduced reliance on external partners.

“Raimondo comes seeking to cool things down, and this chip is [saying] ‘look what we can do, we don’t need you,'” he told Reuters.

After her visit to China, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told CBS’s Face the Nation, “China is making it more difficult.”

“I was very clear with China that we need to – patience is wearing thin among American business. They need and deserve a predictable environment and a level playing field. And hopefully, China will heed that message so we can have a stable growing commercial relationship,” she added.

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