Passenger flights to the red planet will open up a whole new array of cool and exclusive destinations. Mars is a planet of a wide variety. It has contrasting landscapes of gigantic volcanoes, canyons, and carters that may or may not have water. Tourists in the future will get to explore Mars’ interesting geology and moons. However, tourist missions to mars might land in the flat plains of the planet. It will likely be for practical and safety purposes. Read along to find out some cool locations for future space travelers to visit. You might just find your favorite Mars destination!
Mars Destination #1: The ghost dunes of Noctis Labyrinthus and Hellas basin

The red planet is shaped by the winds ever since the atmosphere thinned and resulted in the evaporation of water on the planet. However, the ghost dunes are a remnant of the water on Mars in the past. According to research, these regions held dunes over 10 meters tall. With time, the dunes were flooded by water or lava. It eroded the top but the base of the dunes is preserved.
The Recurring slope Lineae in Hale Carter

Running slope lineae, are a bizarre but interesting feature of Mars. They are formed on the sides of steep crates during warmer weather. In 2015, NASA announced that the location showed hydration and must be the signs of running water on the planet’s surface. However, they were proved wrong. Research showed that they are formations from the atmospheric water on dry sand flows. Unfortunately, future Mars tourists might have to admire them from a distance as they can host Martian bacteria.
Medusae Fossae

You’ve probably heard the name of this Mars destination. This is one of the weirdest places on the red planet. people speculate that it holds evidence of UFO crash and landings. However, it is most likely a huge volcanic deposit. Research suggests that the formation of Medusae Fossae may be due to a gigantic volcanic eruption that occurred 100s of times over 500 million years ago. They are also the reason why Mars is so warm and has several greenhouse gasses in its atmosphere.