Breezy Explainer: Elon Musk can’t fire this Twitter employee. Here’s why

One employee is still on Elon Musk‘s payroll, despite his firing frenzy since he took over Twitter, which cut the number of employees by over half. According to The Irish Times, a top company executive in Ireland has obtained a temporary high court injunction barring the social media company from firing her.

Sinead McSweeney, the global vice president for public policy at Twitter, acknowledged in court that things got harder at work since Elon Musk took control. In contrast to the contractually mandated 40 hours, she swore she had worked more than 75 hours per week.

The top court subsequently granted McSweeney a temporary injunction barring Twitter from nullifying her employment

However, issues emerged after she failed to reply to “a generic and ambiguous email” from Musk to all Twitter employees earlier this month and was then handled as though she had left the organization. The Dublin office of Twitter and its internal IT infrastructure, including her business email account, were locked out for McSweeney.

In addition, the business allegedly alerted McSweeney that she had accepted an exit package despite her claims to the contrary. Then, Twitter promised her that access to the IT systems would be restored and reaffirmed to the court that her dedication to her profession “had never been questioned.” The top court subsequently granted McSweeney a temporary injunction barring Twitter from nullifying her employment agreement.

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