Over time, Apple Watch has developed into a helpful tool for spotting health problems and preventing serious incidents. Apple Watch is once again making headlines for a similar incident, this time for assisting a person in spotting a fatal tumor.
A US user named Kim Durkee received a warning on her Apple Watch. She received alerts from her Apple Watch on two separate nights in May that her heart was experiencing atrial fibrillation.
She dismissed it as false alerts but received yet another warning. “The third night, the numbers went a little too high for comfort,” She said.
“Then I said, you know what, go to the emergency room (and) if they tell you it’s nothing, then toss the watch.”
It was indeed atrial fibrillation, and the cause was an unknown, aggressive tumor.
“Doctors in Maine soon confirmed that her heart was beating erratically for a simple and scary reason. She had myxoma– a rare, fast-growing tumor that was choking off her heart’s blood supply and would have eventually caused a stroke,” the report stated.
The tumor would have almost certainly killed her: Doctors
Thanks to Apple Watch’s warnings, doctors transported her to Massachusetts General Hospital, where they performed a five-hour open heart surgery to remove the fatal tumor.
Durkee had no symptoms other than the atrial fibrillation that her Apple Watch caught. The four-centimeter and quickly growing tumor was expected to have “almost certainly” killed her had it not been found.