Amazon has acquired Facebook’s satellite internet team

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As per reports and confirmation by both companies, Amazon acquired the Facebook team of satellite internet experts on Tuesday. The group is strong with over 12 engineers and scientists based in LA. Read to see how the acquisition ends Facebook’s hopes to make satellite internet a reality.

Facebook satellite internet team drops old plan

The deal reinforces Amazon’s $10 billion attempts to develop low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. They are capable of delivering high-speed broadband internet around the world. Additionally, this is the end of Facebook’s ultimate plan to set up satellite internet around the world. ( However, the Facebook team is now a part of Amazon’s 500-person group that includes researchers, physicists, hardware engineers, and software engineers.

The group as a whole has experience working on wireless and aeronautical systems. “The talent acquisition deal included some intellectual property developed by the team, as well as equipment and facilities,” said Facebook. Unfortunately, other terms of the sale and program were not disclosed.

All about the Amazon vs SpaceX race

Amazon, the e-commerce giant has been racing and competing with other companies that have plans to build and expand satellite internet. In addition, it also includes OneWeb, Musk’s SpaceX, and its Starlink network along with the European firm Eutelsat.

In July 2020, Amazon obtained approval to launch 3,236 Low Earth orbit satellites as a part of Project Kuiper from the Federal Communications Commission. Additionally, the firm also plans to bring a satellite internet service into effect once 578 satellites are in orbit.

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