Almost 60% of the world now uses social media: Study

Almost 60% of the world now uses social media: Study

According to recent research, about five billion people, or slightly more than 60% of the world’s population, are active on social media. According to figures in the latest quarterly report by digital advice firm Kepios, this marks a 3.7 percent growth over the previous year. (  The number of social network users has surpassed the 5.19 billion people who use the internet or 64.5 percent of the world’s population.

There are significant variances between regions. In East and Central Africa, only one person out of every eleven uses social media. In India, the world’s most populated country, the figure is one in every three.

The amount of time spent on online has also climbed by two minutes every day, to 2 hours and 26 minutes. Again, there are significant differences, with Brazilians spending an average of 3 hours and 49 minutes per day on social media and Japanese spending less than an hour.

The average user has seven accounts on different social networking platforms. Meta’s favorite apps include WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. WeChat, TikTok, and its local equivalent Douyin are the three apps available in China. The leading social media platforms are Twitter, Messenger, and Telegram.

There is no indication that TikTok’s explosive expansion will slow down. By the end of 2023, TikTok is predicted to have 1.8 billion monthly active users, up from 1.4 billion in 2022.

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