Eve Jobs, daughter of Steve Jobs, dating British Olympic gold medalist

Eve Jobs, daughter of Steve Jobs, dating British Olympic gold medalist

Eve Jobs and Harry Charles: A Golden Couple

Eve Jobs, the daughter of the late Apple founder Steve Jobs, is dating British showjumper Harry Charles, who recently won a gold medal at the Paris Olympics. On Friday evening, Eve was seen cheering Harry at Château de Versailles as he clinched his remarkable victory. The 25-year-old equestrian is now aiming for a second title. British magazine Tatler has hailed the 26-year-old glamorous heiress as part of its “new generation of ‘it’ girls.”

A legacy of excellence

Harry Charles, whose father Peter Charles won an Olympic team jumping gold at the London Olympics in 2012, expressed his gratitude on Instagram, thanking his father and his supporters. Eve Jobs commented on his post, saying, “love love love you!!!” to which Harry responded, “i loooove you!!”

Harry will compete for a second gold in the individual jumping final on Tuesday, with Eve expected to be in the stands cheering him on once again.

Who is Eve Jobs?

Eve Jobs has been making waves in the modeling industry. Represented by the same agency as Cindy Crawford’s daughter Kaia Gerber, Dutch model Doutzen Kroes, and Emily Ratajkowski, Eve frequently shares her modeling journey on Instagram. She made her runway debut at Paris Fashion Week in 2022 alongside Gigi Hadid. Academically, Eve has studied history and international policy at Stanford University. She is also an accomplished equestrian, once named one of the best under-25 jumpers in the world, and has competed in several international events, where she likely met Harry. Eve also aspires to compete in the Olympics.

Personal life

Eve’s dating history includes reported relationships with American musician Drew Taggart and Mexican rider Eugenio Garza Perez. She was six when her father, Steve Jobs, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs’ biographer, described Eve as “spunky” and “self-assured.”

Eve Jobs and Harry Charles continue to capture the public’s attention with their remarkable achievements and blossoming relationship.

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